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Grand Prize of 2017 Proud Korean Awards
-Industrial Development Achievement Grand Prize
Grand Prize of 2018 Korea Green Environment and Culture Awards
-Environmental micro particles section
2018 Customer Satisfaction Brand of This Year Grand Prize
-Eco-friendly Brand (Automotive)
Grand Prize of 2021 23rd Jang Young-sil International Science & Culture Awards
-Agricultural science and technology section

History of awards

Name of awards Awards Date of awards
Grand Prize of 2017 Proud Korean Awards Industrial Development Achievement Grand Prize 20171101
Grand Prize of 2018 Korea Green Environment and Culture Awards Environmental micro particles section 20181130
2018 Customer Satisfaction Brand of This Year Grand Prize Eco-friendly Brand (Automotive) 20181025
Grand Prize of 2021 23rd Jang Young-sil International Science & Culture Awards Agricultural science and technology section 20210430
Certificate of patent (No. 10-1896906)
Certificate of patent (No. 10-1873479)
Certificate of patent (No. 10-1882372)
Certificate of patent (No. 10-2089942)

Patent application and registration

Patent name Application no. Application date Registration no. Registration date
Activated body for improving fuel economy and engine performance and manufacturing method thereof 10-2017-0156064 20171122 - 20180904
An engine oil additive for reducing fuel consumption and reducing smoke and manufacturing method thereof 10-2017-0165215 20171204 - 20180626
Antifreeze for prevention of corrosion and overheating of engine and manufacturing method thereof 10-2017-0165210 20171204 - 20180720
Composition of oil for transmission 10-2019-0054334 20190509 - 20200311
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1371640)
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1371641)
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1371642)
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1591669)
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1700764)
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1700765)
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1700766)

Trademark application and registration

Name of Trademark Application no. Application date Registration no. Registration date
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1371640) 40-2017-0133493 20171023 - 20180626
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1371641) 40-2017-0133494 20171023 - 20180626
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1371642) 40-2017-0133495 20171023 - 20180626
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1591669) 40-20190075139 20190515 - 20200401
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1700764) 40-2020-0000858 20200103 - 20210308
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1700765) 40-2020-0000859 20200103 - 20210308
Certificate of trademark registration (No. 40-1700766) 40-2020-0000860 20200103 - 20210308
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
Certificate of mail order business report
Certificate of door-to-door sales business report
Business registration certificate
Certificate of insurance