Quantum energy means the energy generated when quantum (atoms, electrons, electric charges) in the air of Earth gathers together in a certain space.
About 60% of radiant energy reaching Earth from the Sun is quantum energy whose central wavelength is about 10 micrometer, which is the source of all animals and plants.
The cosmos (earth) consists of matters and space. Space is not empty, but is filled with air and superquantum field.
All matters and living organisms including human are created in the steps of changing the overlapped superquantum fields in the air into waves,
newly overlapping waves and turning energy, and changing overlapping energy to elementary particles and matters.
As such, living organisms are created in energy steps. If their living space has quantum energy, they are healthy and active. Otherwise, they get sick and die.
In other words, quantum energy quantum energy refers to zero point energy in quantum physics. It is an original energy filled in space, making all things exist.
The products of quantum energy fused matters improve their unique features and functions.